Selling letter for expensive Services to the patient

Many dentists have a variety of services that can be classified as a luxury but not mandatory ones, for example, laser teeth whitening. Often, your staff can’t properly sell a similar service, so it does not use the demand it could. Most likely, you just can’t convey to the patient its value. Therefore, we offer a good tool that will actively "spin" an expensive dental service. This way is to write a selling letter.
This letter is for your clients, who came not for the first time. You personally, as the leader, refer to the patient (ideally - by name). Basic units in the letter are as follows.
First, you must cause some pain to a person, hurt him. For example, the whitening procedure can be used the following sentence: "You want to have a gorgeous Hollywood smile? People just can’t look away from your white teeth! We know how to do it”. A person must be interested in, so he knew immediately what it was about. If this is true for him and it will "hook" him is wonderful.
There have to be a few reviews from people who have this procedure in the letter. It is necessary to reach those patients who used it, and ask them to leave a review: why they decided to use the service, why in your dental impression they have left. Naturally, in any case, don’t use negative reviews.
How can I make a very quick review? Turn on the tape recorder and call the patient. Direction conversation like this: "Hello, I'm the administrator of a dentistry, you recently took our teeth whitening procedures. Could you share your impressions? I will ask a few questions and write down your answers to the recorder, and then post them on the site if you do not mind." Next, set the standard questions: why the customer decided to take advantage of this service, why in your clinic, how much he liked it, and so on. There are should be three or four reviews. Arrange them in the text of the letter and highlight in some way.
The letter must present services: it gives as valid, maybe some technical data, statistics. Of course, as you know, we're not talking about an e-mail, we say about paper letter.
The letter should describe the benefits of your dentistry, such as: you have a certain number of years in the market of dental services, you are highly qualified specialists, you recently purchased new equipment, and so on. Do not hesitate to describe the advantages of your clinic.
In the end of the letter you should make a concrete proposal. For example, if the service is on the list price is $ 300, then you have to offer it for $ 200 and, for example, an electric toothbrush as present, and always with an indication of its value (as emphasized value of the gift). We can compare these costs with something else, for example: "For the money you can buy a smart phone or walk with snow-white teeth for the rest of life." It should also be added: "Hurry up, the number of gifts is limited!" So you beautifully described the service made a special offer to people unable to take advantage of it, it really is cheaper, cheaper than usual, plus the added gift. Accordingly, at the end of the letter should be a call to action, that is, "Call now and sign up for this procedure," and a phone number. At the end of subscribe, such as "Best wishes, Director of Dentistry (clinic name, first name, last name, director)."
How can you use this letter in practice? There is a man who comes to you not the first time. You gave him all the necessary services and procedures, and, when he pays at the reception, the latter says: "Dear Sir / Madam (name), for you I have a letter from the director of our dentistry. Please read it when you have time "- and gives beautiful envelope client. Real letters are much better than e-mailing.
These letters carry work very well. Often the administrator is simply not enough time to talk in detail, nice offer some service. Letter easily solves this problem. Most importantly, when you write a letter, let him read a few friends (or strangers) to people that they said they would not have bought you this service by reading the text. So you get an objective assessment of the efficiency of writing a letter.
In the next article: Sales increasing in dental clinic: ability of the receptionist to talk by phone properly
