Give thanks to patients who recommended your clinic

It would seem the usual story when you say thanks to patient for the fact he recommends a clinic or doctor to another person. But many executives and physicians, for some reason, are missing the point. Meanwhile, people feel pleased when they are praised or encouraged.
This gives them a good emotional impetus to the further recommendations and talk about the doctor or clinic, depending on who the person encouraged.
You can thank to person just with warm words or using some financial instrument.
What is the emotional promotion? Typically, it looks like this. On admission to hospital the patient arrived. During a short wait the administrator gives him fill out a short questionnaire in which one of the questions: "How did you hear about our clinic?". Responding to it, the patient can write: "Your clinic were recommended me by my friend, Mr. N, who also visited you."
So you know who to thank for the emergence of a new patient in your clinic. So, emotional encouragement is when your administrator is calling to Mr. N and saying to him: "Mr. N, good afternoon! Your friend, Mr. K. came to us for consultation. He said it was you recommend him our clinic. In this regard, I’m calling you to say a big thank for the recommendation and trust to our dentistry!".
How do you think, how Mr. N will feel after such a call? At least, he would feel nice.
The second option to encourage people who have recommended your clinic is to use financial resources as a gratitude. Of course, this option is more effective than just tell the person, "Thank you!". But! If you are young and your clinic budget for attracting new patients is very limited, you can only use the method of emotional encouragement. It is in any case better than nothing. Even in this way you will stand out from the crowd clinics, which only consider the money in hand and quickly forget who brought them to this client.
How this method works in practice? Just as in the first case, you need to find out who recommend your clinic to new patient. After that, you find that person contacts in the database and can do the following:
 - Put a certain amount on a cell phone balance.
Then call and say from whom, and the main thing for the person got this reward.
 - Call the courier and send the person a gift.
 - Call your local restaurant and send a person any dish, as did the head of one hospital example below.
That's how it was:
After appearing in a new patient clinic on human recommendations, which had previously also been treated in this institution, the clinic leader considered it possible to get in touch with local restaurant, and send home serving steaks. A note was attached to the dish for recipient to realize who and what sent him this gift.
The same evening, the phone rang in the clinic and cheerful voice asked to invite the head of the dentistry. It was the person who received a portion of steak. He was very surprised to have such a gift, thanked the head of the clinic resourceful and said: "I have repeatedly recommended by different organizations faced in life and who are experiencing positive feelings. But nobody has ever thanked me for it. No one has ever even called me and said simply thank you. I was very surprised."
How then told the head of the clinic, the patient has repeatedly sent to them new patients who were treated in the clinic to a tidy sum. In addition, pay attention to another important fact: the patients who come on the recommendation of it is not the same thing as the patients who come to the clinic in advertising. Sundresses patients already have some degree of confidence, because they trust the person who recommended you. Such patients are much more likely to agree to the proposed treatment plans as a result of less skeptical attitude towards the clinic.
Conclusion: Thank the people who recommend your services. It is really important.
