Alarm for "sleeping" patient. Part 2

Do this procedure permanently In future. Once a month or once every two weeks, your administrator must print out a list and make phone calls. Make a special regulation for administrator not to forget to call, and remind him to do it. This regulation should also contain a call script (the words that your employee has to say during the phone call to clients). This way you will be able to "wake up" a large part of your "sleeping" patients and your revenue will increase significantly.
One participant of our training to increase profits at the end of the first week said that only by "awakening dormant customers" is already paid the cost of the training.
Such a list can be done in a year, and, for example, for six months, depending on how big your customer base is. Chances are, when you make a list, will immediately see how much you have "sleeping" customers. If you will be with them in such a way to communicate, they will always think of you often and come to you. If your clinic runs about 5-10 years, the customer base may be about 10 000 people. Then it would not be surprising if the number of people in the "dormant" patients reached 1,000. Of course, it requires a lot of time and resources, to call all of them. In this case it is better to use the SMS-messages. As already mentioned, collecting customer base, ask them to leave a mobile phone number. Then you will be able to
send thousands of messages automatically at the same time. The text can be written as follows: "Hello! It's ..., you have not been with us for over a year, and especially for you now is action: up to a certain date a 20% discount for all services plus a great gift. " The various services SMS mailing is a function of the smooth dispatch - your every 10,000 messages will not leave at the same time, and will gradually be sent within a specified time. What is it convenient for you? People get information about running you do not share the same time and, accordingly, do not call you all at once. This will relieve some phones dentistry, and patients do not have a long time before you dial.
Do not wait to work with "sleeping" patients later. Do it just today or tomorrow. This requires not so much time, but you will see results very quickly: usually 20-30% of these "sleeping" patients agree to come back. So, if you telephoned 20 people, you will be sure to visit four or five. If these people less, it means you had a wrong call, or the proposal, which they tell you, not as attractive as you think, and it should be revised. If your dental work is not very long ago (less than a year), the "sleeping" patients can wake up in the following way: review the medical records of those who have not come for several months, one of them according to the formula of the teeth were any problems. It will be a specific reason to remind myself and invite patients to visit the dentist. Specificity of the dental field is that people go to you on a regular basis. I need to visit the dentist twice a year, so your task as leader of dentistry - to make sure that people did not let their techniques. It is about preventing the emergence of "sleeping" customers - every six months, your patient must come for a visit.
Assign administrators to view patien base and to monitor carefully which of the customer it is time to come to the reception. People often forget about it, and this concern on your part will be well received by them.
Read our next article: Discounts in dental office.
