In what cases dental implant is placed immediately after tooth extraction?

There is a long time discussions about the possibility to put implant into the hole immediately after tooth extraction and there were developed a variety of approaches to solve this problem.
It must be remembered that an important factor in the creation of primary implant stability is achieved by close contact between the implant and the bone tissue. That is why it is necessary to provide bone tissue in sufficient quantity.
There could be three options, one of which is guided by a decision about the time of implant placement:
• Leaving the implant for better bone healing;
• Leaving the implant for better healing of soft tissue;
• Installation of the implant immediately after tooth extraction.
Leaving the implant for better bone healing
Many doctors think that there should pass 3-4 months between tooth extraction and implant placement. Theoretically during this time must occur a complete regeneration of bone, which favorably affects its quantity.
Leaving the implant for better soft tissue healing
ome authors believe that there isn't necessary to wait until full bone regeneration, and it's enough to wait only soft tissue healing.
The best time is 1 month after removal. However, such an early implantation has two major drawbacks:
- Firstly, the complexity of forming a flap because the soft tissue is very thin and still loose.
- Secondly, it is difficult to achieve good primary stability due to the lack of bone tissue.
Immediately implant placement after tooth removal
This technique has become popular in the last few years, but for the safe installation of the implant immediately after removal doctor has to make sure that there is no infection in the periapical zone.
A sufficient amount of bone (about 5 mm) in the apical area of the hole provides a good primary stability and protects any damage in the mandibular canal.
It is important to take into account the length of the implant to provide better primary stability may need to design longer than anticipated. Immediate implant placement is best suited for single-rooted teeth replacement rather multi-rooted, because in the last case it is difficult to achieve proper implant - bone contact.
